Friday, February 22, 2008

Mind Crochet

Today, at Cardiac-Rehab, when I arrived the nurse, Judy, wouldn't let me start exercising because my blood pressure was so high. She told me to just sit and wait for it to go down. I hate doing that. I am eager to exercise. Telling me to RELAX just doesn't work. I sat, decided to use my mind to lower my Blood Pressure. Took a couple of deep breaths, said my two relaxing words with the breathing, told my body to lower my b/p, and then tried to go to my calming imaginary place but that wasn't holding my mind, so I did what??? You guessed it -- started designing a crochet pattern in my head. My eyes were closed, and within a few minutes I heard Judy say "I want to take your B/P now." I opened my eyes, and there she was with the cuff. I told her "I was meditating." She said "I could tell. It worked. Your heart beat went down 32 beats." Then she took my B/P again and said it went down, too, and I could start exercing now! Wow! The wonders of the mind -- and the wonders of Mind Crochet! I can't tell you what I designing because I might use it for the NIC Chapter Challenge, WATER.

M I N D C R O C H E T lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate!

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