Friday, March 30, 2007

Rosie Gorilla

"Finally, you finished my mouth. You crocheted my left arm ages ago, so when are you going to attach it to me?"
"Huh!! Who said that? Who's here?" I froze in terror in my recliner. I was all alone at home. I didn't have any company, except for a few pantry moths.
CLINK! I dropped my crochet hook and the red gorilla I was crocheting as I cautiously stood up. I couldn't see anybody, and suddenly I had to pee. I was so scared. Dare I move? The voice was close, but I couldn't see anyone as I slowly looked around, and stepped over the partially finished stuffed animal on the floor.
"Ouch! You dropped me on my head," said the voice - a girl's voice.
"Uh. Uh. I must be going nuts," I thought.
"Look down and pick me up, will ya?"
Zoom. I zoomed to the bathroom faster than a ball of yarn could roll down stairs, and locked myself in. I sat on the throne with fear and confusion. I didn't sleep well last night, maybe I am hearing things because I'm sleep deprived, or I'm really losing it. It was quiet now, just the usual tinkle, tinkle. I must of imagined the voice. I have a tremendous, fabulous, humongous, colorful, delightful imagination -- but this was over the edge. It couldn't have been that newly stuffed, newly faced, red limbless, loopy gorilla talking. Absolute silence in the house. I grabbed the cell phone from the pocket of my jeans, and thought about dialling 911. Except what would I tell them? To come and get me out of the bathroom because I was going nuts? Or to come and check my living room for a talking crocheted red gorilla? If I called and they rescued me from the bathroom, and/or from the gorilla??? they might take me away in a white jacket.
I held the phone in one hand, just in case, and slowly opened the bathroom door with the other. I held my breath and almost wished to find an intruder so I would know I wasn't nuts. I peeked around the corner, and stepped silently into the hallway. (To be continued)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spend Today Crocheting

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Spend it crocheting.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pink Elephants

Pink Elephants are frequently used to indicate that a person has had too much alcohol to drink. He or she can't see straight because they are drunk - so they, figuratively speaking, see pink elephants. I've created Pinky No Drinky Elephant. I crocheted two in the last few days. These are mini Pinky's. In a group of people going to a party where booze flows freely, give the crocheted pink elephant to the designated driver. This crocheted, cute elephant is the only pink elephant he will see during that exercusion into alcohol territory because the owner of pinky may not drink and no one may serve or offer booze to the holder of the pink elephant. Pinky no Drinky was created in memory of my brother, Sonny, who died a horrible death from his alcoholism. If you would like to join in my crusade to save lives by making the designated driver obvious, and a to force a choice to be made before the drinking begins, crochet Pinky no Drinky and give it to your friend, college student or your loved one before it is too late. Pinky no Drinky saves lives. Request a Pinky pattern by e-mail to:

Monday, March 26, 2007

Crochet Connection

Crochet has taught me many lessons, and is connected to all of my life. Crochet has emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual and practical connections.

How do you crochet when you are angry? How about when you are sad? When you are jumping for joy?

Why do you crochet? Is the journey less important, not important at all, or more important then the destination?

A friend, Carol, was watching me crochet, and asked what I was making. I told her. Carol said "What are you making that for?" In other words, what was my destination. The light bulb clicked on in my head, when the answer dawned on me. I didn't have a destination -- I was just enjoying the journey tremendously. I told her, "I'm crocheting this because I like to crochet." Carol was baffled by my answer. Carol is a number cruncher and everything must add up for her. Reaching the correct answer is all that mattered for her. Sometimes I crochet to reach a destination - but rarely. How about you? What do you crochet for? Why are you crocheting your current project? To take the journey or to get there? Please let me know. My e-mail is I am dodie -- crochet kookie dodie.

Happy Connections! Let your hook take you on your journey.

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