Crochet has taught me many lessons, and is connected to all of my life. Crochet has emotional, psychological, physical, spiritual and practical connections.
How do you crochet when you are angry? How about when you are sad? When you are jumping for joy?
Why do you crochet? Is the journey less important, not important at all, or more important then the destination?
A friend, Carol, was watching me crochet, and asked what I was making. I told her. Carol said "What are you making that for?" In other words, what was my destination. The light bulb clicked on in my head, when the answer dawned on me. I didn't have a destination -- I was just enjoying the journey tremendously. I told her, "I'm crocheting this because I like to crochet." Carol was baffled by my answer. Carol is a number cruncher and everything must add up for her. Reaching the correct answer is all that mattered for her. Sometimes I crochet to reach a destination - but rarely. How about you? What do you crochet for? Why are you crocheting your current project? To take the journey or to get there? Please let me know. My e-mail is I am dodie -- crochet kookie dodie.
Happy Connections! Let your hook take you on your journey.
very nice!