Last week, at the Midwest Fabric and Fiber show in Grayslake, I took a chance. I took Gwen's Crocheting Cables class. Crocheting cables just seem too difficult for me to comprehend. I am an experienced crocheter and a crochet teacher -- you'd think I could do cables!!! Cable, schable, mayble, enable me please.
The first time I tried to learn cables was with Addie at the NIC meeting, Gwen taught it then, too. I just couldn't get my mind around those darned posts going backwards and forwards, and I felt inside out and outside in, and upside down and sideways....well you get the picture...I was a failure. And what made it worse for my, my pride was wounded, my crocheter self-esteem was getting flushed you know where, because Addie caught on easily, and I didn't... that was a blow, because usually I caught on first and then was able to help Addie catch on. I was a failure, or so I thought.
Then two events took place in my life. I joined, where I made some online friends. I joined a couple of teams on SparkPeople, one was titled something like Crochet Away the Pounds and another was Emotional Eaters. One of my Spark People buddies told me that the only failure was to quit. that's not a label I wanted to give myself -- quitter -- no way, jose. After what I've been thru - don't dare call me a quitter
The second event was when I saw Crocheting Cables being offered as a class. Well, this time it cost me big bucks to take it, but and I "failed" Gwen's class last time, but I AM NOT A QUITTER. Well, this was a small class, and Gwen an excellent and patient teacher. I did the first swatch in class, and Gwen told me my post stitches were good. Hah!!! That was it, or so it seemed. The second swatch got us down to business with crossed treble stitches going forward and backward. I tried. After a while and just two rows...WOE IS ME... here I go again. I seemed to catch on, but I just couldn't visualize what when where, and, especially I couldn't keep my place in the darn pattern. Gwen sat between me and Cindy and patiently showed me what I was doing wrong, and what I needed to do right. Somewhere what she was saying registered, but I couldn't concentrate with the chatting going on, and became frustrated and started to think I was a frustrated failue AGAIN. But then I rememebered the Spark Buddy saying "the only failure is to quit." I fiddled with the piece until class was over, deciding I would go home, write out the complex pattern into lines with large print and separated by stitches not rows, and do the d...n thing.
that's what I did and this photo tells you that I am not a failure at all, but quite a success, especially now that I can chew gum, watch TV, not look at the printed pattern, and crochet these cables. I even dreamed about crocheting cables. So am I quitter???
Crocheted Cables aka I did it! |
I would like to hear your comments, and want to know if you have had a similar experience. And say don't fail.
Keep on crocheting. Don't miss a stitch. Keep yourself in stitches.