Friday, July 2, 2010

Yarn, yarn a barn full of yarn - almost

Well, I am cleaning my yarn room again.  Once again it has become a kinda treasure hunt.  In addition to sorting out yarn, I am sorting socks. "Sniff,sniff" I guess I don't have to sort, just throw them in the laundry.  How did smelling socks get into the middle of my yarn stash?  Your guess is almost as good as mine!  I probably slipped them off when i was sitting in my recliner and they kinda fell into one of my project bags which eventually became a UFO tossed in my yarn room.
  This "kinda" reminds me a little second grader I taught many years ago.  His name was Phillip.  I stepped just outside of the classroom containing about 50 second graders.  I gave them an assignment (I had to pee really bad).  When I got back there was my tall treasure, Phillip.  he was standing at the blackboard with chalkdust all over his face.
  "Phillip, how did you get chalkdust all over your face?" I asked.  "I kinda fell on the eraser." he said.
   Next treasure were two books, one about GHOSTS by James Van Pragh, and another a biography of Abraham Lincoln.  Was I going to crochet the ghost of old Abe?  With me, you never know.
  A more pleasant surprise was the money, so far $2.25 enuf to buy another skein of yarn on sale.  Do I need another skein of Yarn?
  I just asked some crocheters to come and relieve me of a few large, container-store size, bags of yarn and embroidery floss.  Thank god for friends who like yarn.  I am still in the process of cleaning tho, and found more to-go's after they left.  I am going to bring the extra yarn to a retirement home in Northbrook.
  Well I'm off to do more treasure hunting-- what will I find next..
  OH P>S>  I found a few pink elephants, too.  2 B continued.

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