Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crocheted Christmas Stockings

Granny (almost) square Christmas stockings waiting for St. Nick to fill them.

Crocheted Mouse

Addie crocheted this cuddly cute mouse for her daughter's cat. The colors of the cat and mouse are so similiar that you almost can't find the cat. Look for the shiny eyes and build the cat around them. I don't know the cat's name, but Addie certainly did a fantastic job of this bit of crochet sculpture. First time I saw a cat in a mouse - usually its the other way around.....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Positional Crocheting

Do you know that you can crochet while flat on your back? My ole back problem started up again and one of the rare ways I can get pain relief is by lying flat on my back with a couple of pillows under my knees. Boring!!! So I tried crocheting in this position. Yes, it's possible. Arms get tired quickly tho. I made a flyer advertising my Pinky No Drinky dolls for sale at $20.00 a pop, which is cheap considering they take about 5 hours each to crochet. But the cause is good. I am looking for a cheaper way to promote my Designated Driver cause tho. I would like to give Pinky away, but they just take too long to make. If anyone reading this, wants to crochet a Pinky to help the cause please do so. If you don't know to whom to give it, I will give it to some university students before Spring break.
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