Sunday, February 10, 2008

Crochet Poem

My co-worker, Diane Rumsfield, wrote the following poem, titled Crochet Poem. However, if I could I would change the title to CROCHET CONNECTION. Thank you, Diane.

To be a crocheter
connecting your stitches
of wool or acrylic or cotton;
To shape a creation
of your own design or
from pattern in vogue or forgotten--
Select a hook, a weight, a hue;
and as each loop is drawn into
the next, and stitches formed from strands,
the rhythm travels from your hands
To the place where soul and art meet,
To the tempo of your heartbeat.
Diane explained that she changed the meter of each stanza because the rhythm of crochet stitches changes, and she wanted to illustrate that by changing the rhythm in her poem. Very creative. Diane is also a quilter, painter and does a bit of crocheting, too.


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