Crocheting connects me with others, with myself and with God. Crochet connects me with others because sharing my passion with others is a must. I want to see the crochet of others; I teach crochet to others; I show my crochet creations with others; I meet with others just to talk crochet. Mostly, I delight in seeing the delight of my friends when I give them a crocheted-just-for-them gift.
Crochet connects me with myself because I am a deeply creative person with a colorful, delightful, intriguing, curious, humorous imagination. Crochet expresses the wonderful positive traits within my heart, and leaves less room for the negative ones. Crochet challenges me, gives me emotional outlets, quiets me in a storm, comforts me in both good and bad times, absorbs my mind, and its rhythmic movement soothes my soul. Crochet presents opportunities to learn new, to create those new neuron pathways in my aging brain, to think in new ways.
Crochet connects me with God because of an analogy that popped into my mind long ago. When I crochet I have complete (well almost) complete control over my creation. I can do with the yarn/wire/thread whatever pleases me. Sometimes it turns out well, and sometimes it doesn't. I learned in first grade that I am created in the image and likeness of God. Well--that's more than a whole mouthful, and more than a lifetime of thinking in that one statement. Obviously, at least to me, God is a Creator, and I am a creator. I know, I know, the analogy limps a bit here and there, especially with the concept of power! But I have complete power over the yarn. The big difference, of course, is that if I don't like the last row or two, I can FROG it - but I can't FROG the last day or two, or year or two, of God's creation-my life. But I can learn from my mistakes in a couple of ways - the first is not to make the same mistake - but the second way is a bit more like life - I can keep the mistake and turn it into a new and, hopefully, better creation. Recently I was crocheting a bathtub, and when I started I had one method in mind, but then as I went on I wasn't pleased with the result but I had already put in a lot of time figuring out how to crochet a bathtub and then doing it, so I didn't want to FROG my work. I thought, and I thought, and then I "thunk" some more and came up with a way to complete the bathtub without undoing my previous "mistakes" aka work. The end result is a far better bathtub! Do you think maybe that is what we can do with out life, too? Use what we have, be it what we intended to have but what was thwarted by the uncontrollable part of life, and turn it into an even more brillant creation? maybe that's what God had in mind when she gave us (even tho limited) freedom to choose, to make decisions for ourselves?