Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Crochet Chapter Challenge

During the January meeting of the Northern Illinois Chapter of the Crochet Guild of America, the theme for the 2008 Chapter Challenge will be decided. My nominee for this theme is WATER. There are a number of reasons why I think this would be an appropriate theme.
1) It does not have a specific form -- water takes the shape of its container usually - so this be a greater challenge to the creativity and imagination of our super creative crocheters. At first I couldn't think of any "shape" to crochet for WATER - but ideas started popping up after I let my imagine run wild.
2) WATER supports the cause of a cleaner environment. I read recently that 50% of all the patients in the WORLD's hospitals are there because of water contamination. As I sit here next to a clean glass of water which promotes my health - it is astounding to realize that this fact makes me one of the world's privileged inhabitants. Our choice of this theme would help raise awareness of the need for a cleaner environment.
3) WATER supports the cause of conserving out natural resources. We, especially those of us who live near Lake Michigan, are more worried about flooding than where the water for tomorrow's shower will come from. Last year I heard a moving talk from Dr. Jane Goodall at Northeastern IL University. I expected her to talk about gorillas - but that was only a fraction of her awesome and intriguing speech. It was mostly about water conservation -- drink the whole glass of water, don't pour it needlessly down the drain -- turn off the faucet when you aren't actually using the water like when you are brushing your teeth or rinsing dishes. WATER is precious. Like most issues and the way the human mind works -- we only miss something when we DON'T have it, like the use of our thumb when it's in a cast -- like a flushing toilet when our plumbing breaks or when we are camping in the wilderness.
If you can think of any other reasons for choosing WATER as a theme for the Chapter Challenge please let me know.
And NO, I'm not sharing my ideas for crocheted objects representing this theme - that's what we have imagination for, that's why we are creative crocheters -- if you don't use those little cells in your brain they will atrophy -- so here's a perfect opportunity to delay senility....

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