Sunday, June 17, 2007


Shh-hh! It's a secret. I'm halfway finished with my hearts project for the Northern Illinois Chapter of the Crochet Guild of America. It is exciting, and I am excited.
This hearts project is truly a creative journey. It is from my heart and hands and head, in that order. Crocheting and Creating are journeys. Tho I will be delighted with the finished piece, I will be a bit disappointed that this journey is over because it sparked so much inspiration and creativity. It makes me think about Creation and God. Creating just never stops - and watching the growth and progress of our creations is satisfying and fulfilling and totally intriging. I wonder if that is why God created us, and the universe which is still growing. The journey is the goal, not the goal. We must be free to create and to do so to the fullest extent of who we are. But freedom has its costs too. Some made bad choices, or are inattentive to their creation and the creation of themselves. At least we can frog our mistakes and begin again, learning from them. In our life journey, we can't frog, but we can learn from them, and above all we have this wonderful ability to use our mistakes to create anew.

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