Monday, April 2, 2007

Do you speak crochet?

Each area of learning seems to have its own language. Listen to those computer techies! Bites (as in dog bites??), mother board, DOS (mispelled DOES?), gigabytes (Giggling dog bites?), lan, virus (computer got a cold??), Ram (saw a car ram another once), ROM (romp? rump? Rome?) MHZ, MB (a bank?), bugs (get antibiotics for my keyboard), memory (where have I heard that before?) -- you get the idea.

Crochet has its own language, too. It has both a spoken one (Frogging, UFO's, WIP, chains, hookers, Size H, crab st (a holy crab??), and it has written languages. The one that makes pattern reading easier for me is that of symbols. I love patterns in symbols because they visually explain the pattern. I have a list of symbols which I've drawn to help myself and my students speak crochet symbol language. Email your request for them to

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